
Mandatory and proactive audit

 An independent audit of accounting and financial statements of audit firms and individual entrepreneurs

The main purpose of Audit:

  • The validation of the financial statements of the entity;
  • The timely disclosure and elimination of violations to avoid penalties and other adverse effects from tax authorities
  • To obtain information on accounting and management accounting, documentation flow and recommendations for their improvement

There are two main types of audits: mandatory and proactive audit.

The mandatory audit - mandatory annual audit of organizations in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Audit. In this case, the term "mandatory audit" is used.

The proactive (voluntary) audits are carried out to ensure the reliability of the financial statements at the customer's request, to maintain financial accounting and tax accounting and certain areas of taxation, as well as to evaluate the entity's financial position. Also, the proactive audit should be carried out by changing the owner of the audit entity or making amendments in the composition of the founders

It is submitted on the basis of the result of audit:

  • The Standardized audit report review (within mandatory audit) and / or
  • The audit report, Auditors' Summary and Recommendations (with proactive and other types of audits).

The audit report review is an official document for users of financial (accounting) reports of audited legal entities and individuals and are included in annual reports of entities subject to mandatory audit.

At the same time, you can join a permanent comprehensive audit service that covers a one-time audit of three months, six-year, and one-year audits.

Take Advantage of Audit

The tax authorities are not required to propose an entity to eliminate errors in accounting and tax accounting when carrying out mobile or cameral tax inspections.

During an audit, an independent auditor only shows deficiencies in the organization's accounting records and may make reasonable proposals to reduce tax risks.

The mandatory or proactive audits are conducted on a regular basis, ensuring the reliability of the official report, ownership of the company's owners, accounting and tax reporting quality

The terms and prices of Audit Services in addition to the main types of audit, our company also carries out other audit services:

  • Tax audit
  • Optimization of taxes
  • Audit of financial statements
  • Financial analysis
  • Audit services